Commande secrètes switch HP 1920

Nous allons voir comment activer les fonctionnalitées cachés en telnet sur un switch HP 1920

1 – Se connecter en telnet ou série au switch :

2 – ensuite taper la commande : _cmdline-mode on
3 – Valider le message par Y
4 – puis entrer le mot de passe suivant : Jinhua1920unauthorized

5 – Une fois ce message apparu vous avez accès a toutes les commandes :

6 – Voici la liste des commandes utilisateur disponibles :

User view commands:
   archive                 Specify archive settings
   backup                  Backup next startup-configuration file to TFTP server
   boot-loader             Set boot loader
   bootrom                 Update/read/backup/restore bootrom
   cd                      Change current directory
   clock                   Specify the system clock
   cluster                 Run cluster command
   copy                    Copy from one file to another
   crypto-digest           Compute the hash digest for a specified file
   debugging               Enable system debugging functions
   delete                  Delete a file
   dir                     List files on a file system
   display                 Display current system information
   fixdisk                 Recover lost chains in storage device
   format                  Format the device
   free                    Clear user terminal interface
   ftp                     Open FTP connection
   initialize              Delete the startup configuration file and reboot system
   ipc                     Interprocess communication
   ipsetup                 Assign an IP address to VLAN-interface 1
   lock Lock               current user terminal interface
   logfile                 Specify log file configuration
   mkdir                   Create a new directory
   more                    Display the contents of a file
   move                    Move the file
   ntdp                    Run NTDP commands
   password                Specify password of local user
   ping                    Ping function
   pwd                     Display current working directory
   quit                    Exit from current command view
   reboot                  Reboot system/board/card
   rename                  Rename a file or directory
   reset                   Reset operation
   restore                 Restore next startup-configuration file from TFTP server
   rmdir                   Remove an existing directory
   save                    Save current configuration
   schedule                Schedule system task
   scp                     Secure copy
   screen-length           Specify the lines displayed on one screen
   send                    Send information to other user terminal interface
   sftp                    Establish one SFTP connection
   ssh2                    Establish a secure shell client connection
   stack                   Switch stack system
   startup                 Specify system startup parameters
   summary                 Display summary information of the device.
   super                   Set the current user priority level
   system-view             Enter the System View
   telnet                  Establish one TELNET connection
   terminal                Set the terminal line characteristics
   tftp                    Open TFTP connection
   tracert                 Trace route function
   undelete                Recover a deleted file
   undo                    Cancel current setting
   upgrade                 Upgrade the system boot file or the Boot ROM program
   xmodem                  Establish an xmodem connection

7 – Voici la liste des commandes disponible en mode system

System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.
System view commands:
   aaa                     Specify AAA configuration
   acl                     Specify acl configuration information
   archive                 Specify archive settings
   arp                     Specify ARP configuration information
   attack-defense          Specify attack defense policy configuration information
   bootrom-update          bootrom update
   burst-mode              Specify burst mode
   clock                   Specify the system clock
   cluster                 Specify cluster configuration information
   command-alias           Specify command alias
   command-privilege       Specify the command level
   configuration           Specify configuration settings
   copyright-info          Copyright information configuration
   cut                     Cut connection
   ddos                    Ddos function
   delete                  Delete function
   dhcp                    DHCP configuration subcommands
   dhcp-snooping           DHCP Snooping
   display                 Display current system information
   dns                     Specify domain name system
   domain                  Add domain or modify domain attributes
   dot1x                   Specify 802.1X configuration information
   execute                 Batch Command
   file                    Specify file system configuration information
   fips                    Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 140-2 module
   ftp                     Specify FTP configuration information
   garp Generic            Attribute Registration Protocol
   gratuitous-arp-learning Gratuitous Arp learning function
   gratuitous-arp-sending  Sending gratuitous-arp packet when receiving different sub-network arp packet function
   gvrp                    GARP VLAN Registration Protocol
   ha                      Enable/Disable HA Version check of Master and Slave
   habp                    Specify HABP configuration information
   header                  Specify the login banner
   hotkey                  Specify hotkey configuration information
   hwtacacs                Specify HWTACACS server
   igmp-snooping           IGMP snooping
   info-center             Specify information center configuration information
   interface               Specify the interface configuration view
   ip Specify              IP configurations for the system
   ipv6 Enable             IPv6 functionality
   irf                     IRF Stack
   job                     Schedule a system task
   jumboframe              Jumboframe command
   lacp                    Configure LACP Protocol
   link-aggregation        Link aggregation group
   lldp                    Link Layer Discovery Protocol(802.1ab)
   local-user              Specify local user configuration information
   logfile                 Specify log file configuration
   loopback-detection      Detect if loopback exists
   mac-address             Configure MAC address
   mac-authentication      MAC authentication configuration
   mac-flapping            Configure MAC-Flapping function
   mac-vlan                Specify the MAC VLAN configuration information
   mirroring-group         Specify mirroring-group
   mld-snooping            Enter mld-snooping view
   multicast-vlan          Multicast VLAN
   ndp                     Neighbor discovery protocol
   ntdp                    Specify NTDP configuration information
   ntp-service             Specify NTP(Network Time Protocol) configuration information
   ospf                    Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
   password-control        Specify password control
   password-recovery       Password recovery function
   patch                   Specify patch configuration information
   ping                    Ping function
   pki                     Specify PKI module configuration information
   port-group              Port group
   port-security           Specify port-security configuration information
   public-key              Specify public-key module configuration information
   qos                     Command of QoS(Quality of Service)
   quit                    Exit from current command view
   radius                  Specify RADIUS configuration information
   return                  Exit to User View
   rip                     Specify RIP(Routing Information Protocol) configuration information
   rmon                    Specify RMON
   router                  Configure Router information
   save                    Save current configuration
   sftp                    Specify SFTP service attribute
   shutdown-interval       ShutDown Detection
   slave                   Specify HA command configuration information
   snmp-agent              Specify SNMP(Simple Network Management Protocol) configuration information
   ssh                     Specify SSH (secure shell) configuration information
   ssl                     Specify SSL (Secure Socket Layer) configuration information
   stack                   Switch stack system
   stp                     Spanning tree protocol
   super                   Specify super configuration information
   sysname                 Specify the host name
   system-failure          System failure handling method
   system-guard            System guard function
   tcp                     Specify TCP(Transmission Control Protocol) configuration information
   telnet                  Specify TELNET configuration information
   tftp                    Specify TFTP configuration information
   tftp-server             TFTP Server
   time-range              Specify time-range configuration information
   tracert                 Trace route function
   traffic                 Specify traffic configuration information
   transceiver             Transceiver information
   undo                    Cancel current setting
   user-group              Specify user group configuration information
   user-interface          Configure the user terminal interface
   user-profile            User profile
   vlan                    Configure VLAN
   vlan-group              Configure a VLAN group
   vlan-mac-address        Configure VLAN MAC address
   voice                   Specify voice VLAN


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